
Ross to be a Chef

Beijing time on September 10, Chicago BBS, reported, although because of a knee injury not in the earlier Yang, but Derek - Ross has not idle stunned, has he to a strange identity again in the people's field of vision.
Ross is now chain brand "Giordano 's pizza" partner and spokesperson, local time Thursday, the bulls of take charge of a star also personally now wear gaza store, for customer visiting a waiter, let here repast people excited.
Ross appeared in the busy street chain, the distance he officially announced and Giordano 's with sada into economic cooperation only in the past few hours of time. He decided to make a bit of a surprise, so personally as a dining table customer end on their point of pizza.
And in complete "room service", he sat down at the table, and a few customer intimacy of a conversation. From the photos, we can see that a little boy for idol accident appeared and ecstasy of love beyond words.
The next day, you will also see Ross more appeared in Giordano 's pizza advertising and promotion activities, he will also launch their own "exclusive pizza", "I'm a good cook!" Ross in the media session had been so coolly said. Hope this for him some difficult season, he could find more pleasure from the kitchen. www.jerseyslord.com

