
Heber du and the Bulls Restart Negotiations

Beijing time on September 6th, according to ESPN report, the bulls President jerry's new suitor with coach Tom - eber du restore contract talks. Last season the bull performed eber du 2012-13 season's options. The general manager or - furman says the team hope and eber du long-term cooperation, but in the summer but initial talks once run aground.
Heber du is the NBA (micro Po) history with the fastest speed made 100 games coach. Two years ago, he is the celtics assistant coach, later became the bulls coach. In his coach two years, the bulls have made the regular season first ranking. He coached the first year will be the best coach, last year in the best coach selection also ranked second.

The bull didn't have last season and eber du after about that he was a bit annoyed. In the TV program furman, said both sides had already started negotiations, after the end of the season is still will continue. The bulls Lord Derek - Ross public support eber du. Although eber du is a stubborn, but the players are very respect him, because he is strict in his work, very passionate.
Jeff van gundy was eber du good friend, he think eber signing du without any problems, "is the most easily in the history of the negotiations".
"If I were the bulls, but Tom agreed to thunder coach Scott Brooks contract (4 years nearly us $18 million), that the whole thing as long as 25 seconds can fix," van gundy said, he at New York, eber d it is his assistant, "this is not the brain consider things. He is a first-class coach, also should be the first-class reward."

