
Arenas Awakened for Coach’s Words

Arenas in studying Birmingham after high school in the school two team, although he performed well, but not very seriously treat the game, coach of a "you have reached the limits of our ability to" thoroughly touches the arenas, he in the summer almost from the early practice to night, after supper will often carry straight to basketball stadium. In autumn, arenas transfer to another high school, hindsight this migration is worth it, because they have a very competitive school team, but arenas with strive for the starting position and in a month later become the league's best player.

When the basketball game in arenas is easier, but he still constantly training and try new technology, and averaged close to 30 points performance let he deservedly become the school team of take charge of star. In the last year of high school career, arenas repeatedly at the university of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) behind the door, he and his father all dream of in the school shirt, and schools of arenas also expressed to some interest, but they also waiting for another player's decision, he is carlos boozer (finally chose to duke university), in addition, the big man UCLA coaching staff also worry that the arenas game attitude and believe that he can score easy because a competitor is too weak, his study is also let the school full of worries. The two sides finally can't walk to a piece of, but UCLA might regret missed the arenas, because they are two of the season after the biggest soft rib is shooting guard position, but arenas when them are not a hand. In a few are willing to admit arenas university, he chose the university of Arizona, the only 16 years old young carring unflaggingly.and averaged 33.4 points, 7.9 rebounds, three assists and 4.6 steals. In fact, arenas to join Arizona big school team time just right, matrix of star Michael - Dixon, mike - bibby and miles - Simon are chose to join the NBA draft, but the rest of the players there are in such as Richard - Jefferson and Luke Walton and talented players. Arenas did not immediately get starting position, and as a main shooting guard arjen robben - Douglas just is defeated by his past, in a high school that game, arenas crazy cut 49 points have Douglas.
On behalf of the university of Arizona summer playday, arenas blindly to take urgent stopped shooting (in fact intentionally keep strength), and when the real training began, he was repeatedly use fake dallying Douglas, this let courtside audiences all think that he should be given a start qualification. With Douglas turn school to university of new Mexico, arenas finally eliminate the obstacles. In and had missed his two big school team competition, arenas performance is very good, but the end of the season, he had decided to advance for the NBA draft.

