
Goodbye London, meet Rio

on August 13, 2012, Beijing time, the 30th London Olympic Games closing ceremony was grandly held in London bowl, the athletes came around from all countries, the coaches and guests gathered in London bowl again to celebrate the London Olympic Games gaining a big success. at 4:00 PM , Beijing time (local time 12 21 point), the London Olympic Games closing ceremony officially began. The first act of the show is the London summit . All kinds of the engine of the vehicle mingled with the horn and whistle, the newspapermen dressed in clothing white-collar are in a hurry to report... This is a special Monday morning, the Banks of the river Thames in London's Waterloo Bridge witness the most typical scene.

In the south of the stadium, appeared an arrow of the shape of the new stage, the arrow pointing to Rio DE janeiro, which is 2016 years of host city of the olympic games. Then they raise up the Greek national flag with the national anthem music and then drop the Olympic symbol, all the people sing the Olympic anthem together, and then Next is the flag handover ceremony, the city of London mayor Boris Johnson the flag to the international Olympic committee (ioc) President Jacques rogge, rogge put the flag to the mayor of Rio DE janeiro eduardo - palmer ace, from this moment, the Olympic Games for the first time to come to South America; The Brazilian played the national anthem, rise the Brazilian national flag.
     London Olympic organizing committee chairman Sebastian - section and the international Olympic committee (ioc) President Jacques rogge has on the shape of the arrow stage, and talk, they to the games was evaluated and summarized. In Sebastian - section and Jacques rogge after speech, the Olympic flame is extinguished, this means that the end of the London Olympics, but also for Rio Olympic Games open the countdown

